Joel Heck at CSL Conf 2013.JPG

Joel Heck

Dr. Joel Heck serves Concordia University, Austin, Texas, as Professor of Theology, having completed nine years at Concordia as Vice President of Academic Services. Previously he served as pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, Valley Park, Missouri, and Professor of Religion at Concordia University Wisconsin. He holds the Th.D. in Exegetical Theology from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and teaches various religion courses at Concordia, Austin including Old Testament, New Testament, Reformation, and C. S. Lewis. He is the author or editor of twelve books, most recently In the Beginning, God: Creation from God’s Perspective (Concordia Publishing House, 2011).

Dr. Heck spent the fall of 2004 on sabbatical in Oxford, working with Walter Hooper, former private secretary to C. S. Lewis, on Vol. III of Lewis’s Collected Letters. He and his wife Cheryl have three grown children.