Posts tagged Cosmic Temple of God
The Cosmic Temple Inauguration View of Genesis One

Understanding an ancient text such as Genesis 1 requires us to consider issues the way they would have. A foundational issue is how they thought about existence. Ancient peoples believed that something existed when it had a function. This is in contrast to our belief that existence is tied to material properties. This position views Genesis 1 as an account of functional origins rather than an account of material origins. We must also recognize the cosmos functions as sacred space a cosmic temple concept, which conveys the idea that God has established order in the cosmos which has become his dwelling place. The seven days concern the inauguration of the functional cosmic temple rather than the time over which the material cosmos came into existence.

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The Perspective of "The Lost World of Genesis" and How it Impacts the Principal Doctrines of Christianity and the Study of the Universe

John presents his position, which interprets Genesis 1 as ancient literature. At the heart of the position is the evidence that it does not intend to offer a material account of origins, but a functional account of origins based on the premise that the created world is the cosmic temple of God. This material has been published in a number of places, most conveniently in the IVP book, The Lost World of Genesis One. There will be ample time for questions and interaction.

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